Two Conferences on Cross Border Family in 2013 and 2014
The two conferences aim at offering an opportunity to refocus on the role of family in social development, taking stock of recent trends in family issue and sharing good practice in family service. The conferences will also serve as a sector platform for professionals who are working on family issue in overseas Chinese Communities, North East Asia and Cross-Strait-Four-Regions to find new solutions to meet the changing needs and problems.
The two conferences will be held in two phases, with the first phase conducting The International Conference on Family Social Work Practice in Chinese Communities – cum ‘Seminar in Cross Boarder Family issues’ with a study visit to Shenzhen on 25-26 November 2013. The second phase is The Regional Conference on Cross-border Families in East Asia which will kick off on 15 May 2014.
Roundtable Sharing |
澳門家庭服務發展動力的新嘗試 |
以家庭為核心的福利政策-台灣的經驗與挑戰 |
加拿大的家庭問題及服務 |
美國反家庭暴力服務體系的發展歷程與現況 |
新加坡的家庭政策 |
香港在推動家庭服務的經驗 |
Workshop (1) - Family Service |
發展創新的家庭社會服務:新加坡的經驗 |
澳門-食物援助對家庭服務的啟示 |
Workshop (2) - Domestic Violence |
為目暏家暴的兒童提供服務 |