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Public Seminar on Poverty


8:45 am
Opening Remarks Professor Lau Siu Kai
Presentation: International Trends of and Fight Against Poverty Convenor: Professor Nelson Chow
- Globalization: International and National Solutions to Poverty Professor Peter Townsend
- UK's Situation and Experiences Ms. Jean Corston MP
- Singapore: "Many Helping Hands" Approach Dr. Yap Mui Teng
Open Forum  
Tea Break  
Panel discussion: Cross-sectoral Approach to Poverty Convenor: Mr. Chong Chan Yau
- The Poverty We Experienced: Voices of the Poor Dr. Sammy Chiu
- NGOs' Continuous Effort in Tackling Poverty and Social Exclusion Ms. Christine Fang

- How Can Business Sector, Professonals and Other Sectors Contribute to Reducing Poverty

Mr. Peter H Y Wong
Ms. Ayesha Macpherson
Mr. Albert K T Lai

Open Forum  

Reference materials:

(1) Biography of overseas speakers
(2) Poverty Fact Sheet

Seminar Main Page

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Last Update: Wed, 2005-06-29

Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong¡@Tel¡G( 8 5 2 ) 2 8 6 4 2 9 2 9¡@Fax¡G( 8 5 2 ) 2 8 6 5 4 9 1 6 ; Best view 800 x 600 in IE6 or NS6