HR Forum for NGOs 2009
Generation Y – Let the New Age Talents be your Valuable Assets

How to get people of the new generation (Generation Y) performing their best in workplaces in order to cope with the ever changing society? The Hong Kong Council of Social Service and the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resources Management co-organised the HR Forum for NGOs 2009 on 22 May 2009 on the topic “Generation Y – Let the New Age Talents be your Valuable Assets”, and have explored the characteristics and expectations of Generation Y and ways of establishing mutual harmony and collaborations in workplaces.

Around 150 participants from nearly 60 social service organisations participated in the forum.  Sharing guests included Mr. Lai Kam Tong, Director of Human Resources from A-World Consulting; Mr. Roy Fung, CEO of ACME Business Consulting; Ms. Elaine Liu, Group Human Resources Director of Jardine Schindler Group; Ms Tracy Pun, Human Resources Manager of St. James’ Settlement; and; Hyper BB from Skyhigh Creative Partners. They showed cases of how to enhance working capacity of the new generation with several recommendations, including communication with the new generation with languages of their own, positive recognition for good performance, and timely and concrete responses to areas for improvement, etc.; besides, better job allocation would facilitate the new generation to perform their strengths with self-confidence and enthusiasm.

We have also invited Ms. Angela Lui, President of the 28th Hong Kong Federation of Social Work Students, in responding to the sharing, in respect of the opinions and expectations of the new generation towards work and life.


Welcome speech presented by the co-organizer of the forum, Mr. Wong Kam-Pui, President of the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management.
Around 150 human resources practitioners joined the forum.
「WiseGiving, Pass It On」─ Souvenir-in-lieu of donation for charities with choices of the guest speakers. Picture: Ms Christine Fang, Chief Executive of HKCSS (5th from the left) and the guest speakers in the group photo.


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