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Effective Presentation Skills Workshop

Objective | Content | Course Details | Trainer


Presentation is an essential skill for managers to excel in the 21st century which emphasizes much on people-based culture. The workshop focuses on both the theoretical and practical sides of effective presentation. 

In completion of the workshop, the participants will:

  • Identify the essential elements of an effective presentation
  • Learn to organize information and materials in a clear and concise manner
  • Know how to deploy techniques for varying the vocal tones and body language
  • Be able to draw attention from the audience in the presentation
  • Be capable of developing strategies in handling queries and questions raised by the audience
  • Know how to apply these skills in their presentations


  1. Success Factors of Making Effective Presentations
  2. Owning your Presentations and Overcoming Stage Fright
    • The BEACH principle
  3. Delivering your Presentation
    • The WIIFM principle
  4. Intonation in action
  5. Use of Visual Aids and Props with Maximum Impact
  6. Delivering Narrative Stories
    • Narrating stories using visual technique
    • Touching the audience’s heart and feelings
  7. Handling Challenges during Presentations I
    • Handling questions
    • Overcoming objections
    • Coping with management issues during presentations
  8. Handling Challenges during Presentations II
    • Handling emotional audience during public forums
    • Managing challenging confrontational audience
    • Presenting with the presence of public media

Course Details

Course Code:



12 & 19 September 2013 (Thursdays)


0930 – 1700 (6 hours each, 12 hours in total)


Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong


Cantonese (supplemented with English)

Target Participants:

NGO managerial and supervisory staff

Class size:




Fees for HKCSS Agency Member Staff:

$1,760 (Enrollment received on/before 22 August 2013: $1,600)


2876 2470


[email protected]

Application form:



Dr Michael Kwong 鄺俊偉博士
DBA, MBA, FIIM, Mlmgt, MCIM, MSIS, FISCM, MHKIM, EP, Dip.M, C.Mgr, B.A.(Hon)

Graduated from the University of Nottingham (U.K.), Dr Kwong has worked in various leading media corporations with over 15 years’ successful experience in sales and marketing field. Dr Kwong served as Executive Committee member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (HK branch) and Training Director of the Hong Kong Institute of Marketing. He is now a training consultant specialized in Marketing, Selling, Negotiation and CRM and frequently invited to be trainer by corporations and NGOs.


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Enquiry: HKCSS Institute

2876 2470 / fax2876 2485