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NGO Executive Development Programme

September - November 2013

Objective | Target Participant | Features | Course Details | Certificate | Course Structure | Trainers & Guest Speakers


The programme is composed of 4 themes to provide NGOs’ Supervisors or Centre-in-charges with the tools and frameworks needed to understand the context in improving personal and organizational performance, it will help participants to:

  • Broaden strategic horizon through interaction with distinguished trainers, guest speakers and peers
  • Learn powerful strategies and skills for leading change, crisis management, effective communication
  • Understand their strengths and weaknesses, and develop plan(s) for continuous learning and professional growth.

Target Participants

Supervisors or Centre-in-charges with at least 5 years’ experience in the social welfare sector (of which 3 years at supervising position), who are ready to take up leading role in their future career.


  1. DISCStyles Online Assessment

    • Gain awareness of personal strength and motivation
    • Uncover career development opportunities
    • Improve methods for interpersonal communication

  2. Individual Assessment One-on-One Debriefing (Optional)
  3. After completing the DiSC online assessment, you can join a 25-min One-on-One debriefing. The debriefing will be conducted by an individual consultant, who will provide professional consultancy service, advices on your personal development, and discuss direction and action plan on how to improve yourself in working with different profiles

  4. Interfacing with Different Sectors for Networking
  5. In addition to the provision of distinguished trainers from consulting firms or respective professional organizations, esteemed guest speakers from corporations and professional bodies are also invited to share their insights with participants.

  6. Peer Learning Sessions*
  7. Apart from a holistic training program delivered by respected trainers, the experienced participants will form groups to present an incident of their organizations, to lead discussions and invite comments / insights from peers regarding different training topics. The topics will cover areas mentioned below:

    • Team Conflicts (Session 3)
    • Staff Motivation (Session 4)
    • Communications (Session 5)
    • Complaint Handling (Session 7)
    • Crisis Handling (Session 8)

Course Details

Course Code:



12, 19, 26 September, 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, October & 7, 14 & 21 November 2013 (Thursdays)
Welcome & Graduation Luncheon:
12 September & 21 November 2013


0930 – 1730 (6.5 hours)
(Sessions 3, 4, 5, 7 & 8 with peer learning session*:
0930 – 1800 (7 hours); Session 6: 0930 -1230 (3 hours))


Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong


Cantonese (supplemented with English)

Training Materials:


Class size:



Staff of HKCSS Agency Member enrolled on/before
22 August 2013  


Staff of HKCSS Agency Member


Non Agency Member

$ 10,000

DISCStyles Individual Assessment (Optional)

+ $2,000


Enrolment Form: Download HERE


Certificate will be conferred by HKCSS Institute with over 80% attendance and a deliverance of a sharing in peer learning session.


HKCSS Institute: 2876 2470
Website: www.hkcss.org.hk/institute

Course Structure


Topics/ Contents

Trainers & Guest Spakers

Module I: Personal Development & Leadership

Session 1
12 September
0930 – 1730

Personal Development & Lifelong Learning

Mr Stanley Chak

Self Awareness and Improvement/ Team Leader (DISCStyles self assessment & briefing)

Session 2
19 September
0930 – 1730

How to be an Organization Leader
(From Personal Effectiveness to Organization Effectiveness)

Mr Hillman Chung

Module II: Managing People

Session 3*
26 September
0930 – 1800

Building High Performance Team and Managing Team Conflicts

Mr Joseph Wong

Session 4*
3 October
0930 – 1800

Staff Motivation & Coaching for Serving / Potential Supervisors / Managers

Mr Hillman Chung

Session 5*
10 October
0930 – 1800

Effective Communications

Mr Lee Kam Hung

Module III : Managing External Environment

Session 6
17 October

NGO Branding

Ms Annita Mau

Session 7*
24 October
0930 – 1800

Complaint Handling for Supervisors

Ms Cindy Yu

Session 8*
31 October
0930 – 1800

Crisis Management and Media Relations

Mr Sam Ng

Module 4: Social Innovation and Organizational Change

Session 9
7 November
0930 – 1730

Social Innovation 

Mr Joseph Wong

Social Entrepreneurship

Mr Ma Kam Wah

Session 10
14 November
0930 – 1730

NGOs Strategic Planning /
Strategic Thinking and Decision Making

Dr Philip Fung

Session 11
21 November
0930 – 1730

Leading Change

Mr Joseph Wong

Programme Reflection & Evaluation

HKCSS Institute

Trainers & Guest Speakers (Partial List)


Mr Stanley Chak 翟創志先生
Managing Consultant
LRT Consulting

Mr Chak is committed to helping organizations develop people potential, talents engagement and customer value. With more than 25 years of people and organization development experience, Stanley has consulted to a wide range of local and multinational organizations such as Nike, Levi Strauss, Citibank, CLP Power, HSBC, Education Bureau and schools, SWD, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service and NGOs. To help develop the professional standard of presenters, trainers and HR managers, Stanley was commissioned by the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resources Management to develop a Body of Knowledge (Learning & Development) for her membership in 2009. Over 2500 managers and professionals have attended Stanley’s High Impact Presentation and Train-the-Trainer workshops in Asia Pacific since 1996.


Mr Hillman Chung 鍾衍文先生
Independent Human Resources Consultant

Mr Chung has more than 25 working experience in Human Resources and Consulting field.  He has assumed human resources leadership in different business natures such as hotel, food and beverage operations, estate management, transportation services and resort establishment. Hillman holds a Master degree in Human Resources Management from University of Surrey.  He has been a licensed Trainer of a series of programs under an American Consulting Firm and accredited practitioner of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) ® Step I & II.




Mr Joseph Wong 黃寶琦先生
Principal Consultant
Pro-Key Learning Services Ltd.

Mr Wong is specialized in training and coaching in the areas of IT service management, project management, customer service and business planning. Joseph has more than twenty years experience in education and IT services and facilitated over a few hundred workshops in Hong Kong and China to develop management knowledge, team and people effectiveness, and business plan for enterprises. Joseph is a certified ITIL Expert in IT Service Management and Project Management Professional (PMP).




Mr Lee Kam Hung李錦洪先生
Publisher & Chief Editor
Christian Times

Mr Lee is a veteran journalist for more than 30 years, he has been involved in the print media, radio and TV public affairs programme production.  Mr Lee is now co-host of daily radio news programme “DBC News World” produced by Digital Broadcasting Corporation Hong Kong Limited. He is also the part-time lecturer of the EMBA Programme of The City University of Hong Kong and senior associate consultant and key speaker of Public Communication Strategic Consultancy Limited.




Ms Annita Mau 繆少群女士
Professional Mediation Consulting Centre

Ms Mau has held senior positions in the field of public affairs and corporate communication for over 20 years, serving major non-government organizations and public corporations, including the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation and the Hospital Authority where she was the Chief Public Affairs Manager when she retired in Feb 2006. Ms Mau’s strengths are in government relations, community relations and media relations, writing /editing, and academia. Ms Mau holds a Bachelor Degree in English (Minor in Chinese), a Master Degree in Social Sciences (Criminology) and a Master Degree in Arts (Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language). Since 2006, Ms Mau teaches communication, health care management and mediation in various tertiary institutes. She also conducts public engagement projects.



Ms Cindy Yu 余惠芳女士
Senior Training Consultant and Facilitator

Ms Yu possesses more than 25 years work experience in tourism, financial & training fields. She was responsible for training and coaching all frontline sales and oversee the entire operation and front lines servicing, set direction and strategies for market segment. She has been accredited as Certified International Services Quality Management Practitioner (ISQMP), Internal Quality Auditor of Qualicert® by SGS. Besides, she also certified as Professional Corporate Trainer (Level 1) by Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People's Republic of China. She has a highly successful track record in working with groups and facilitating learning, activities and interpersonal communication for all levels of participants.




Mr Ng Chi-sum 吳志森先生

Mr Ng is a veteran in the mass media with 30 years of experience in various influential media organizations. He is now hosting RTHK TV program “Headliner”(頭條新聞). He worked for TVB’s news department for 9 years, and was the producer of TVB’s renowned program “News Magazine”(新聞透視). He was the host of the well-known phone-in radio program “Tea Cup in the Storm”(風波裡的茶杯), “An Hour More”(清談一點鐘), and ”Openline Openview”(自由風自由phone). In addition, he is also the commentator and columnist  for several reputable newspapers, including “Mingpao”(明報)and “Apple Daily”(蘋果日報). Mr. Ng has solid experience as a trainer. Since 1996, he has organized a lot of workshops on media skills and crisis communications for Government officers, politicians and NGOs.




Mr Timothy Ma 馬錦華先生
Experienced Training Consultant

Mr Ma is former Executive Director of Senior Citzen Home Safety Association serving this tenure for more than 15 years.  Under Mr Ma’s leadership, the organization is now commented as the most successfully self-finance social enterprise serving more than 85,000 service users in Hong Kong. With his successful fundraising experience, he is a trainer on Fundraising and SQS and has conducted lots of staff training for the NGOs on topics like Team Building, Creativity and Innovation, Leading Efficient Meeting, Resource Development, Efficient and Effective Supervision Funding Proposal.


Dr Philip Fung
Houston Leadership Training Center

Dr Fung has more than 20 years experience in human resources management and management development, now being an independent management consultant. Dr Fung is very active in social services, being committee member of Heep Hong Society and the Advisory Committee on Social Work Training and Manpower Planning of the Government of HKSAR.

