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Innovation: Service vs Organizational Management


Contents | Details | Trainer


  • What is creativity and innovation
  • Qualities of creative persons: Da Vinci, Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein
  • Creativity tools: SCAMPER and Idea Box
  • Characteristics of service innovation
  • Seven categories of innovation in social services
  • Improve our service by Service Blueprinting
  • Mission based innovation: Peter Drucker’s advice
  • Innovation and leadership: how to build an innovation culture


Course Details

Course Code:



13 May 2009 (Thursday)


09:30 - 17:00 (6 hours)


Room 202, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong


Regional supervisors, managers, directors or above

Class Size:



Cantonese (course materials in English)


Staff of HKCSS Agency Member: HK$700 (early bird HK$630)
Staff of Non-HKCSS Agency Member: HK$770

Early Bird Date:

30 April 2009

Enquiries: Please contact HKCSS Institute at 2876-2470


Download Enrollment Form here



Dr. Philip Fung
Director, Houston Leadership Training Center

Dr. Fung has more than 20 years experience in human resources management and management development, now being an independent management consultant. Dr.

Fung is very active in social services, being committee member of Heep Hong Society, the Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association, Hong Kong Anti-cancer Society and the Advisory Committee on Social Work Training and Manpower Planning of the Government of HKSAR.


Guest Speaker

Mrs Monica Yau Ng Lai Tuen
Assistant Director of Heep Hong Society

Mrs Yau  possesses rich professional and management experience in serving children with special needs and their families. She is currently supervising the Supportive Learning Project of Heep Hong Society and leads the multidisciplinary professional teams in project innovation. Mrs Yau is also well experienced in providing training on family social counseling.