CEOs meet CEOs Luncheon Series 總裁對談系列暨午餐會

Sharing from Executive Committe of Heep Hong Society
Strive for Excellence in NGO Stewardship
Awardee of the Director of the Year 2006, HKIOD, in the category of Non-profit-distributing Organizations Boards

The topic for the CEOs Meet CEOs Luncheon taken time on 10 October 2007 was "Strive for Excellence in NGO Stewardship".  There was a good sharing between the attendees and the Awardee of the Director of the Year 2006 – HKIOD in the category of Non-profit –distributing Organizations Boards – Executive Committee of Heep Hong Society.  Professor Daniel Shek and Ms. Nancy Tsang shared in detail with over 45 Board Members and Agency Heads on Heep Hong’s experiences and its road to success in this challenging sector.  It was a delightful networking platform in which everyone who participated enjoyed.


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