Precautionary Guidelines for Participants of HKCSS Institute

To prevent Pandemic/Influenza (H1N1) (Human Swine)/Avian Flu, we should continue to be vigilant at all times.

  1. Please observe the following environmental and personal hygiene measures:
    • Antiseptic liquid is available at the lift lobby. Please use when needed.
    • Always carry a mask* with you.  Put on one when you or the people around you have symptoms of respiratory infection.
    • Flush the toilet properly with lid covered.
    • Wash hands after going to toilet.
    • Avoid contact with live poultry or birds or their droppings. They may carry the avian flu virus. Wash hands immediately after handling them.
  2. Do NOT attend class/forum/visit if you have Fever of 38°C or above, put on a mask and seek medical advice promptly.
  3. If feeling unwell, suspected developing respiratory illness after arriving the venue, you can ask our duty staff to check your body temperature. If fever occurs, participant will NOT be allowed to attend class/forum/visit. He/she should put on a mask* immediately and seek medical advice. Withdrawal could be arranged (Tel: 2876 2470).
  4. If you have flu symptoms, please wear a mask* to prevent spread of disease. Seek medical advice if appropriate.
  5. If you return from places with confirmed cases of Influenza A (H1N1) (Human Swine)/ Avian/ Pandemic Influenza, it is advisable to wear a mask for 7 days.
  6. If feeling unwell, develop respiratory illness or fever within 7 days after returning from a place affected with Influenza A (H1N1) (Human Swine Flu) / Avian Flu / Pandemic Flu or having history of close contact with a suspected or confirmed case(s):
    • Do NOT attend class/forum/visit.
    • Wear a mask.
    • Inform Centre for Health Protection by ringing Hotline: 2125-1111 (24 hours).
    • Inform HKCSS Institute to arrange withdrawal (Tel: 2876 2470).
*Masks can be provided if necessary.

2876 2470 / 2864 2991