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Certificate in Knowledge Management Training for NGOs

30 May - 20 June 2008

Objectives | Target Participants | Course Details | Assesment | Course Structure | Trainers


The objective of the programme is to equip participants with actionable knowledge with a range of applicable KM methods and techniques that can be practiced and adopted by participants in the social service sector where they work. All basic principles will be illustrated through a series of real-life examples.  The programme will facilitate the participants to formulate a knowledge management strategy, conduct a knowledge audit on their knowledge inventories, make recommendations on the deployment of appropriate KM technologies, and build a positive organizational culture for knowledge sharing. Leading KM experts with years of KM implementation experience will be invited as guest speakers to share their experience on KM implementation. 


Target Participants

  • Centre Supervisors / Services Managers
  • Management Staff who is responsible for Knowledge Management, Staff Training or IT System Development


Course Details


30 May & 6, 13, 20 June 2008 (Fridays)


9:30a.m. – 5:00p.m.




Room 201*, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

(*session 3-4 on 6 June will be held at Room 202)


Cantonese supplemented with English (Course materials in English)

Class Size:



All 4 Modules: HK$2,800 (early bird – HK$2,400)
Any 1 Module: HK$800.00 (early bird – HK$720)

Early bird date:

16 May 2008 (or two weeks before class start for individual module)


Please contact HKCSS Institute at 2876-2454

Admission Requirements:

Preference will be given to applicants who:

  • Have at least 2 years supervisory experience;AND
  • Have recommendation from employer;AND
  • Would enroll in 4 modules.

Students will be required to submit a project based on the implementation of KM in their workplace.  To pass the course, students must have a pass in the assignment and 80% of attendance.

  • Certificates will be issued by HKCSS and KMRC to students upon successful completion of the course (4 modules) and the required assessment.


Course Structure

Module 1: Introduction to KM
(30 May 2008)

Module 3: Knowledge Management Tools
(13 June 2008)

Session 1  9:30am – 12:30pm

Session 5  9:30am – 12:30pm

KM Overview

  • Introduction to Knowledge Management (KM)
  • Typologies of Knowledge
  • Knowledge Management Process
  • Development Challenges of KM in NGOs

Taxonomy and Folkonomy (Knowledge Categorization) Development

  • Typologies of Knowledge Categorization
  • Approaches for Developing taxonomy
  • Maintenance Strategy of Developed Taxonomy

Session 2  2:00pm – 5:00pm

Session 6  2:00pm – 5:00pm

Knowledge Audit

  • Knowledge Audit including Knowledge Mapping, Knowledge Inventories
  • Case Studies in Knowledge Audit

KM Strategy Planning

  • Formation of KM Strategy in NGOs
  • Benefits, Lessons Learnt & Critical Success Factors for Knowledge Management

Various Knowledge Management Initiatives

  • After Action Review
  • Narrative Inquiry
  • Community Development
  • Elicitation

Module 2: Knowledge Management Systems
(6 June 2008)

Module 4: Implementation of Knowledge Management (20 June 2008)

Session 3  9:30am – 12:30pm

Session 7  9:30am – 12:30pm

Collaborative Technologies & Web 2.0

  • Personal KM systems
  • Blogs and Weblogs
  • Wiki and Wikipedia
  • RSS Readers

Organizational Learning

  • Types of organizational knowledge and learning
  • Differences between individual & organizational learning
  • Building the learning culture
  • Organizational behaviours that limit learning
  • Techniques in team learning
  • Systems Thinking, Organizational Dynamics, Scenario Learning, Storytelling

Session 4  2:00pm – 5:00pm

Session 8  2:00pm – 5:00pm

Knowledge Management System (KMS) & Portal

  • Approaches and Infrastructure for introducing Knowledge Management System (KMS)
  • Collaborative Technologies, Taxonomy & Enterprise Knowledge Portal

Marketing Program of Knowledge Management

  • Development of Promotion Program
  • Identify stakeholders
  • Development Change Management Program

Performance Measurements

  • Performance Measurements & Case Studies
  • Knowledge Asset & Intellectual Capital Based Management in NGOs



Ir Prof. W.B. Lee, MTech (Brun), PhD (HKU), CEng, MIEE, MHKIE
Director, Knowledge Management Research Centre,
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
(for session 7 only)

Ir Prof. W.B. Lee, is the Cheng Yick-chi Chair Professor of Manufacturing Engineering and Head of the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering and the Director of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Microsoft Enterprise Systems Center, and the Knowledge Management Research Centre. He is the President of the Hong Kong Advancement of the Association of Science and Technology, Past Chairman of the Institution of Electrical Engineers Hong Kong.  He has pioneered research and practice of knowledge management in various industrial sectors in Hong Kong which include manufacturing, trading, public utilities and health care.


Ms Nicole Sy, Msc, BComm (Hons)
Knowledge Management Specialist,
Knowledge Management Research Centre,
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Ms. Nicole Sy has over 12 years solid experience in Strategic Planning in Sales & Marketing and Customer Relationship Management.  She provides knowledge management related consultancy services to external clients which covers non-government organizations, manufacturing company, public Utility and HKSAR Government Departments. She is also the Program Leader for the Certified Knowledge Professional (CKP) programme.

Guest Speakers

Mr. Peter Au Yeung, MBA, M.Soc.Sc., B.Soc.Sc (Social Work)(Hons)
Assistant Director
Heep Hong Society

Mr. Peter Au Yeung worked in the rehabilitation service field for more than 20 years.  He is also responsible for co-ordinating a KM Group which oversees the knowledge management development in Heep Hong Society.    


Mr. Ringo CHAN, BSocSc (Social Work) (Hons), RSW
Knowledge Development Officer, The Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong

As a Knowledge Development Officer, Mr. Chan is mainly responsible for the development of knowledge management work within the Agency and the operation of the internal KM Portal.



Organiser: Supporting Organisation: