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Certificate in Social Entrepreneurship

October - February 2008

Objectives | Characteristics | Target Participants | Course Details
Course Structure | Trainers


To equip social enterprise practitioners and other executives planning to start social business with essential business knowledge and operational skills.in running social enterprise.


  • Case study approach to analyze various aspects of social enterprise such as governance, management, marketing strategies;
  • Curriculum developed by drawing reference to similar course of overseas universities with consideration of local characteristics;
  • A cross-disciplinary training curriculum enabling students to learn business skills with a social angle;
  • Guest speakers of SME and SE field sharing practical experiences in running business

Target Participants

  • Senior to middle level personnel in existing SE projects or those planning to start social business in both NGO and private sector


Course Details

Course Code:   07B-C03

24 & 31 October, 28 November, 5, 12 & 19 December 2007 (Wednesday)

Time:   9:30am - 5:00pm
Duration:   30 hours
Venue:   Room 201/103, Duke of Windsor Social Service BLDG
15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai
Class size:   30
Medium:   Cantonese (supplemented with English)
Fees:   Full Course:

Staff of HKCSS Agency Member – HK$3,780

    Early bird price for Staff of HKCSS Agency Member– HK$3,400
    Staff of non HKCSS Agency Member – HK$4,000
    Each Module :
    Staff of HKCSS Agency Member – HK$1,260
    Early bird price for Staff of HKCSS Agency Member– HK$1,135
    Staff of non HKCSS Agency Member – HK$1,400

Individual Session :


Staff of HKCSS Agency Member – HK$400

    Early bird price for Staff of HKCSS Agency Member– HK$360
    Staff of non HKCSS Agency Member – HK$450

A "Certificate in Social Entrepreneurship" will be issued by The HKCSS Institute to students who have successfully completed the whole training programme (80% of attendance for module 1-3) and have completed the project presentation. A certificate of attendance will also be issued to students attending individual sessions.


Applicants who are members or staff of grassroot organizations, or volunteers of social enterprises or NGOs are eligible to apply for studentship. HKCSS will offer a studentship of HKD 1500 each for 4 full course students.To apply, please summit a recommendation letter certified by your organization along with the application form.


For course content, please contact Ms. Jessica Tam of HKCSS at 2864 2974.

For application, please contact HKCSS Institute at 2876 2454 or visit the website: http://www.hkcss.org.hk/institute for admission enquiries.



Course Structure

Date & Time Contents Trainer

Module I: Managing Social Enterprise (sessions 1-4)
24 & 31 Oct 2007 (Wed)
9:30am – 5:00pm

Room 201
  • Introduction to social enterprise and social entrepreneurship
  • Organizational governance and legal form
  • Business planning and business model
  • HR management


Prof. Kevin Au

Mr. Mingles Tsoi

Module II: Marketing Strategies for Social Enterprise (sessions 5-8)
28 Nov & 5 Dec 2007 (Wed)
9:30am – 5:00pm

Room 103


  • Capture market niches and business feasibility study
  • Marketing strategies for SE sector
  • Brand building for SE goods
  • Stakeholders' building


Mr. William Chau

Module III: Measuring Financial and Social Returns (sessions 9-12)
12 & 19 Dec 2007 (Wed)
9:30am – 5:00pm

Room 103


  • Financial planning and management
  • Pricing of SE goods
  • Managing profit and lost
  • Measurement of social returns


Dr. Law Chi-kwong

Seminar: Social Enterprise Case Presentation

13 Feb 2008 (Wed)
9:30am – 1:00pm

Auditorium, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong



Course Advisors / Case Presenters / Trainers

Dr. Chua Bee Leng (course advisor)

Ex-Director, Center for Entrepreneurship
Faculty of Business Administration
The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Prof. Stephen Cheung (course advisor)

Professor (Chair) of Finance
Department of Economic and Finance
Faculty of Business
The City University of Hong Kong

Prof. Kevin Au (course advisor, case presenter and trainer)

Associate Director, Center for Entrepreneurship
Faculty of Business Administration
The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Prof. Siu Wai Sun (case presenter)

Head and Professor
Department of Marketing
School of Business
Hong Kong Baptist University

Mr. Mingles Tsoi (course advisor, case presenter and trainer)

Project Director, Center for Entrepreneurship
Faculty of Business Administration
The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Dr. Law Chi Kwong (course advisor, case presenter and trainer)

Associate Professor
Department of Social Work and Social Administration
The University of Hong Kong

Mr. William Chau (Trainer)

Managing Director
B2A Consulting Ltd.


Other guest speakers from business and professional sectors as well as tertiary institute will also be invited.

Acknowledgement (arranged in alphabetical order)