活動 (一) 同工自我裝備工作坊-認識立法與禁止種族歧視
Event One Workshop
on Basic Concepts on Legislating Against Racial Discrimination
合辦單位/機構 Co-organizers: |
香港社會服務聯會 The Hong
Kong Council of Social Service 樂施會 Oxfam Hong
Kong 香港人權監察 Hong Kong
Human Rights Monitor |
日期Date : |
2004年10月13日 (星期三) 13 October 2004 (Wednesday) |
時間Time : |
第一部份:上午10時至下午12時30分 (Section A: 第二部份:下午2時正至下午5時30分 (Section B: |
地點Venue: |
香港灣仔溫莎公爵社會服務大廈1樓103室 Room 103,
1/F, Duke of |
對象Target Group
: |
社會福利服務從業人員 Social
Service Practitioners of all levels |
語言Language: |
廣東話為主 Cantonese
(Mainly) |
名額Capacity: |
約40位 Approx. 40 participants |
時間Time |
內容Content |
講者Presenter |
第一部份Section A 簡介:Introductory session 供未曾參加同類系列的人員參加 (For those
who have not participated in previous event on the topic) |
種族歧視在香港—從理論到現實 Racial discrimination in |
麥海華先生 種族平等聯盟召集人; 香港城市大學應用社會科學系助理教授 Mr. Mak Hoi-wah Convenor, Coalition of Racial
Equality; Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Social Studies, the |
答問時間Question & answer session
主持及眾講者 Facilitator and various
presenters |
人權公約與種族歧視立法 Human rights treaties and
racial discrimination legislation |
熟悉有關人權範疇的前高級公務員 Mr. Ng Hon Wah, Former senior
civil servant experienced in human fights affairs |
12:00nn |
答問時間Question & answer session
主持及眾講者 Facilitator and various presenters
12:00nn- |
討論 Discussion |
主持及眾講者 Facilitator and various
presenters |
第二部份Section B 諮詢文件評議:Comments on the Consultation Paper |
從法律角度看諮詢文件主要結構、 用語及其含義 The Consultation Paper – Its
key structure, terms and their implications from a legal perspective |
民間人權陣線召集人 Solicitor; Convenor, Civil
Human Rights Front, LLM Human Rights |
答問時間Question & answer session
主持及眾講者 Facilitator and various
presenters |
不受保護者-–評文件的例外規定和未予保障者 The
unprotected – comments on proposals on expectations and non-inclusion |
施麗珊小姐 社區組織協會 社區組織幹事 Ms Sze Lai Shan LLM Human Rights; Community
Organizer, SOCO |
答問時間Question & answer session
主持及眾講者 Facilitator and various
presenters |
** 小休Break ** |
剖析評論文件中具爭議性的問題 Comments
on controversial issues in the Consultation Paper |
香港人權監察總幹事 Director of H.K. Human Rights
Monitor |
答問時間Question & answer session
主持及眾講者 Facilitator and various
presenters |
討論 Discussion |
主持及眾講者 Facilitator and various
presenters |
與少數族裔溝通的有效方法分享 Sharing on the how to
effectively relate to the ethnic minorities in the community and issues to be
noted and be sensitive to |
主持及少數族裔人士 Facilitator and ethnic
minorities leaders |
總結Round-up |
主持 Facilitator |