Jan. 2000



Here below is a chronological account of the development of the Review:

Date Development
April 12, 1999

SWD informed the NGOs in the Programme Committee on FLE that the Department would conduct a fundamental review on FLE


Oct. 29, 1999

The Division wrote in to SWD inquiring about the Department’s plan to integrate FLE service with the family service, as a matter arising from the Policy Address to input resource to strengthen parent education.Paper 1 is the letter to SWD.


Nov. 23, 1999

The Department responded to the Council’s letter by suggesting to hold a session to share the Department’s thinking on a review of services to families. The sharing session was held on Nov. 23, 1999.In the meeting, Mrs. Patricia Chu, Deputy Director (Services) of SWD shared that the review was initiated by the Department. The Department’s thinking over the scope, timing and way of conducting the review etc. were shared. The NGO representatives suggested and the Department agreed that a brainstorming session involving more NGO representatives would be held to collect views from the sector.The summary of the result of discussion with SWD on Nov. 23, 1999 was circulated to agencies on Nov. 29, 1999. Paper 2 is the summary.


Dec. 10, 1999

The brainstorming session between the SWD and NGO representatives was held. The SWD had also shared an written outline of the Review.The report of the brainstorming session and the Department’s outline of the Review were circulated to agencies on Dec. 14, 1999. Paper 3 is the report of the brainstorming session.


Dec. 24, 1999

The Division submitted the Suggestions for the Consultany Brief to the SWD.Paper 4 is the submission.


Jan. 4, 2000

The Division wrote to SWD giving suggestions on the setting up of the steering committee on the review.Paper 5 is the letter.

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