
Oct. 29, 1999

The Director of Social Welfare
Social Welfare Department
8/F, Wu Chung House,
213, Queen’s Road East,
Hong Kong
Attention: Mrs. Patricia Chu
(DD (Services))


Dear Mrs Chu

Re. Integration of Family Life Education Service and Family Service

We are glad to note that the government recognizes the importance of parent education in the 1999 Policy Address and that the government would input more resources to strengthen this area of work. In the LegCo Welfare Panel briefing on Policy Address held on Oct. 14, 1999, the administration further revealed that the government would allocate HK$10 millions to family service for helping the needy families and for parent education. If parent education is to be offered by the family caseworkers, it would mean that there would be integration of FLE into the family service.

As agencies participate in offering family service and FLE service, we have the interest to know how this would be proceeded and when it would take place. Furthermore, we would like to know whether this would be related to the fundamental review on FLE service which we do not have any updated information on.

As the subject would have implication on the future service operation, agencies feel it necessary to keep a dialogue with the Department on the development. We therefore would appreciate if you could let us have a reply at your earliest convenience.

If there are queries, please contact me or our Division Officer, Ms Mariana Chan at 2332 4531 and 2864 2956 respectively.

Thank you for your attention.

Yours sincerely,

Amelia Ting (Mrs)


Family Service and Child Care Division


c.c. Ms. Virginia Chan AD(AS)