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Poverty Summit 2004

The Council had organized a poverty summit in the 1996 International Year for the Eradiation of Poverty, and aroused public's attention on local poverty problem. In the past few years, the problem of poverty had become more serious following socio-economic changes. In light of this, the Council decided to hold poverty summit on September 21 and September 22, 2004. There was a welfare-sector conference on September 21 and a public seminar on September 22. The public seminar was jointly organized by Council and Central Policy Unit, it was also co-organized by think tanks organizations. The Summit was smoothly held.


International Perspective We have invited Professor Peter Townsend from UK and Dr. Yap Mui Teng from Singapore to be the guest speakers. Prof. Townsend is of high renown in the analysis and measurement of poverty and in advocacy for eradiating poverty. Dr. Yap will share with us poverty alleviation work by government and NGOs in Singapore.

Voices of the Poor - Grassroots Forum By referring to World Bank's guidelines, we had organized several focus groups and let those living in poverty to voice out their experiences in facing poverty and their wishes. Their views will be shared in the summit. There will be a forum at the conference for grassroots organizations to share their experiences / views on quality of life and on eradiation of poverty.

NGOs Forum Apart from consolidating NGOs' work over reducing poverty and social exclusion, there will be a forum for NGOs in the conference. NGOs could make use of the forum to share views on how could NGOs contribute, as part of civil society, to the eradiation of poverty and social exclusion.

Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong¡@Tel¡G( 8 5 2 ) 2 8 6 4 2 9 2 9¡@Fax¡G( 8 5 2 ) 2 8 6 5 4 9 1 6 ; Best view 800 x 600 in IE6 or NS6