






1. 推動社會建立正確和健康的發展觀,以利社會的持續發展。

2. 研究社會政策,作出回應、跟進及倡議。

3. 鼓勵弱勢社群透過集體行動,爭取合理的政策和措施,保障他們應有的而又較公平的起步和競爭機會。

4. 支援弱勢社群,向他們提供直接的協助,助他們脫離困境。

5. 連結不同民間及專業團體,就彼此關注的議題進行研究及倡議,藉此凝聚民間社會的力量,建立活躍的公民社會。


「正言匯社」歡迎更多人加入,共同為心目中的理想社會,仗義執言。有意者可將姓名、聯絡電話及電郵等資料電郵至[email protected],方便聯絡。期待你的參與。

The Forthright Caucus

A group of people have assembled because of one person; what they stand for, however, centres not on the person but a spirit and a dream—the dream of a civil society.

The Forthright Caucus is initiated by Fernando Cheung, former Legislative Councilor and lecturer in the Department of Applied Social Studies at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. While the Caucus is not yet formally promulgated, it has rallied several tens of supporters ready to begin work on social issues such as employment for the disabled, the amendment bill on domestic violence and subsidies for patients with rare diseases.

In Hong Kong where development often comes first, the underprivileged has been pushed to the edge of the system. Their plight is often out of the sight and mind of mainstream society. Not infrequently, disadvantaged groups are even made the scapegoat of flawed government policies and lose the most basic respect and rights.

We believe every person is entitled to dignity and certain fundamental rights which do not change with social status. This is the aspiration for social justice; it is also the root of the value of man. Through the confluence of energies and efforts, and upholding justice as a principle, we can empower the weak and rebuild a society with humanistic concerns.

What we are after is the ideal of reforming society, a spirit of humanism that has been vanishing from Hong Kong society.

1. Promote the formation of appropriate and healthy developmental perspectives so as to facilitate the sustainable development of society.

2. Conduct research on social policies in order to respond to and follow-up on policy debates as well as undertake policy advocacy.

3. Encourage underprivileged groups, through collective action, fight for reasonable policies and practices so as to safeguard equal opportunity.

4. Support underprivileged groups and render direct assistance to lift them from adversity.

5. Network various civil and professional bodies in the research and advocacy of common concerns so that the assembly of different forces can facilitate the development of a vibrant civil society.

We believe that helping others is rewarding. We do not belong to any political party and each participant is her own representative.

The Forthright Caucus welcomes more participants to come and join us in this endeavor of standing up for our ideal society. If you are interested, please e-mail your name, contact number and e-mail address to [email protected] and we will be in touch.

We look forward to your joining us.