



現在,我們誠邀你減少,甚至是拒絕使用有害的清潔劑。為家人的健康、環境的保育著想,請加入我們,使用環保清潔用品。 請游說你的家人及為下一代福祉著想,作出這個決定吧! 我們歡迎公眾參觀綠慧公社,讓我們有機會為你詳細介紹產品背後的理念,和親身製作環保肥皂,你也可即時選購和試用環保清潔用品。


Green Women Cooperative

Eco Formula:Recycling of used cooking oil + Sugar + Salt + Sodium Hydroxide = Eco Soap

Green Women Co-op was founded in 2005 by a group of environmental concerned women in Tuen Mun. It is the 1st and foremost Hong Kong green cooperative initiated by grassroots’ women. By producing and selling green products, such as eco soaps and liquid detergents, we incorporate greenphilosophy into our daily lives.

Most of the detergents bought from the mainstream market are by-products of petroleum while their chemical components are hazardous to health. Pollutants resulting from those detergents are carried into the sea and cause water pollution, which in due course may endanger marine life or even lead to genetic mutations.

We invite you to use less, or even to say no to those harmful detergents. For the sake of your family and the concern of our environment, please use eco detergents. You Can Make a Choice to Influence Your Family and Our Next Generation! Welcome to visit Green Women Co-op and let us explain to you our philosophy in detail. You can also participate in DIY workshops for the production of eco soap and do the on-site purchase of eco detergents.

To help and protect our environment, we appeal to your participation.