



中心主要為打工朋友提供以下六種服務: 免費職業安全健康諮詢和勞動法律法規諮詢;

1. 開辦不定期的免費知識講座、學習班;

2. 關注女工勞動權益、職業安全及健康;

3. 出版打工系列讀物及免費借閱圖書、雜誌等服務;

4. 舉辦康樂活動;

5. 零售各式勞保用品。

6. 零售各式勞保用品。

Dagongzhe Centre

The Dagongzhe Centre is a civilian welfare organization established in 2003 and led by a group of injured workers in Shenzhen.

The objective of center is to encourage workers to develop their own initiatives and strengthen their sense of power. Through fostering a united spirit and mutual-help culture, We aim to promote the protection of labor rights and resolve labor disputes between migrant labors and employers. In the long run, we look for building a community with equality and sustainable development.

Our ultimate goal is that workers’ capacity in self protection, self confidence, self recognition and community participation, can be enhanced. Through their voices and actions, they can draw public attention to their situation, so that their living conditions can be improved.

Services provided to workers include:

1. Free legal and welfare consultancy service on work health, work safety and work conflicts.

2. Free seminars and workshops

3. Special concerns on labor rights, work health and workplace safety of female workers

4. Issue work-related publications and provide book and magazines borrowing services

5. Organize recreational activities for workers

6. Supply all sorts of work safety equipments for purchase.