| Specialized
Committee Members
of Reference
Chairperson and Term of Office
Networks and Working
Specialized Committee on Family and Community Service (2012/2013)
Mrs YUK Fung Yin-king, Helina
(Chairperson) |
Hong Kong SKH Lady MacLehose Centre |
Director |
Mr CHEUNG Chi-kwan, Daniel
(Vice-chairperson) |
Hong Kong Young Women's Christian Association |
Supervisor |
Ms Iris LIU
(Vice-chairperson) |
International Social Service Hong Kong Branch |
Director of Programmes |
Ms LAM Yee-wan, Eliza |
Caritas - Hong Kong |
Social Work Supervisor |
Ms LI Chi-mei, Cross |
Hong Kong Christian Service |
Principal Coordinator |
Ms LAM Siu-fung, Anita |
Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, The |
Coordinator |
Mr SIN Leung-kai |
Salvation Army, The |
Service Supervisor |
Ms HO Suk-wah, Kathy |
Scout Association of Hong Kong |
Supervisor (School Social Work Service) |
Mr Eric AU-YEUNG |
YMCA of Hong Kong |
Manager |
Ms FU Suk-yin |
Boys' and Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong, The |
Supervisor |
Ms LEE Wing-chong, Carol |
Christian Action |
Manager |
Mr NG Ka-kui, Charles |
Christian Family Service Centre |
Programme Director (Youth & Community) |
Mrs LEE LAU So-ying, Doris |
Hong Kong Catholic Marriage Advisory Council |
Executive Director |
Ms CHAN Yuet-wah, Judy |
Hong Kong Family Welfare Society |
Social Work Consultant |
Ms KEUNG Choi-yin |
Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council |
Service Director |
Ms WONG Pui-yin, Wendy |
St James' Settlement |
Senior Manager |
Mr David CHEUNG |
Caritas - Hong Kong |
Supervisor,? Caritas Lok Heep Club & Caritas Wong Yiu Nam Centre |
Ms CHAN Chung-ho, Karrie |
Hong Kong Christian Service |
Principal Coordinator |
Mr Moses MUI
(Staff) |
The Hong Kong Council of Social Service |
Chief Officer (Family and Community) |

Terms of Reference Functions
- To participate in the policy formulation and
planning of Family and Community Service
- To
co-ordinate Family and Community Service and reflect the views and needs of service
agencies and users;
- To assess the needs for
Family and Community Service, and inform the Government, member agencies and the
public of the needs;
- To compile data on Family
and Community Service;
- To conduct review
on Family and Community Service , promote evidence-based researches and assess
the effectiveness of services;
- To provide
forum for agencies providing Family and Community Service to share experience
and to recommend good practices;
- To promote
pioneering and innovative services in Family and Community Service together with
service agencies;
- To form partnership with
concerned groups and organizations.

Composition, Chairperson
and Term of Office - Sixteen members
shall be nominated and elected by Agency Members which provide or participate
in Family and Community Service / Children and Youth Service / Elderly Service
/ Rehabilitation Service*;
- Not more than
four co-opted members shall be appointed by each specialized committee;
- The
Chairperson shall be elected from among the members of the respective service
specialized committees;
- The Director of Service
Liaison and Development shall be in attendance;
- Except
the first election, elected members and co-opted members shall hold office for
two-year term;
- In the first election, half
of the elected members with higher numbers of votes shall hold office for two-year
term, and the other half for one-year term;
- No
person shall be eligible for election to the Committee for more than 2 consecutive
- In the first election, half of the
co-opted members shall hold office for two-year term and the other half for one-year
Report, Meetings and Spokesperson - The
specialized committees shall, through the co-ordination of the Standing Committee
on Service Development and Liaison, be accountable to, and submit annual work
plan to the Executive Committee;
- The specialized
committees shall submit annual report to the Annual General Meeting through the
Standing Committee on Service Development and Liaison;
- Chairpersons
of specialized committees shall be ex-officio members of the Standing Committee
on Service Development and Liaison, so as to enhance the integration of different
services, promote the development and coordination of various services, and assist
the Standing Committee in implementing overall development strategies and policies
of the Council;
- The specialized committees
shall hold no less than 6 meetings each year;
- Chairpersons
of the specialized committees and the concerned Business Director shall be the
spokespersons of the respective specialized committees. In case of major and controversial
issues, they shall consult the Executive Committee, the Executive Committee shall
have the power to confirm or override the concerned standpoints.
Remarks: Since the Specialized Committee on Rehabilitation Service is equivalent
to the Management Committee of the Joint Council for the Physically and Mentally
Disabled, the above terms of reference and composition of committee is only for
reference. The Council and the Joint Council will discuss and decide on the final
Working Group and Networks Network
on Community Development Service
on Enthic Minorities Service
on Integrated Family Service Centre
on Substance Abuse Service
Network on Domestic and Sexual Violence
Task Group on Cross-boundary Living Families
Preparatory Group for Divoiced Families Project

Network on Community Development Service (2012/2013)
Membership List
Mrs Helina YUK
(Convenor) |
Hong Kong SKH Lady Maclehose Centre |
Director |
Ms KWOK Ching-wan |
Aberdeen Kai-Fong Welfare Association Social Service Centre |
Senior Manageress |
Mr KO Chun-wa |
Caritas - Hong Kong |
Social Work Supervisor, Caritas Community Centre - Caine Road |
Ms Lisa LEE |
Christian Action |
Department Manager (Humanitarian Service), Integrated Services for Ethnic Minorities |
Mr NG Ka-kui, Charles |
Christian Family Service Centre |
Programme Director (Youth & Community) |
Ms Charrix LEE |
Hong Kong Family Welfare Society |
Senior Manager (Family Service), Tseung Kwan O (South) Integrated Family Service Centre |
Ms FUNG Tsz-kwan, Tina |
Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service, Lutheran Church - Hong Kong Synod |
Programme Co-ordinator |
Mr CHEUNG Chi-kwan |
Hong Kong Young Women Christian Association |
Supervisor |
Ms YUEN Wai-ming |
Kwun Tong Methodist Social Service |
Service Supervisor, Agape Community Care Centre |
Ms Claudia NG |
Methodist Centre - Social Service Team in Buildings Department |
Team Leader |
Mr NG Kwok-wa |
Mong Kok Kwai Fong Association Limited Chan Hing Social Service Centre |
Deputy Executive Director |
Ms LEE Wan-yin |
Neightbourhood Advice-Action Council |
Co-ordinator |
Mr LAI Kwan-ho, Raymond |
Salvation Army, The |
Chief Manager |
Mr FUNG Wing-lan |
SKH Holy Carpenter Church Community Centre |
Senior Service Manager |
Mr NG Wai-tung |
Society for Community Organization |
Community Organizer |
Mr David FUNG Kai-man |
St James' Settlement |
Senior Manager |
Ms SZE Wai-mei |
Yan Oi Tong |
Social Service Manager, Community Development Department |
Mr Patrick LAM |
Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service |
Division Head, Homantin Integrated Centre for Youth Development |
Mr Eric AU YUENG |
Young Men's Christian Association of Hong Kong |
Senior Community Services Manager |
Mr Christopher TANG
(Staff) |
The Hong Kong Council of Social Service |
Officer (Family and Community) |

on Ethnic Minorities Service (2012/2013)
Membership List
Ms CHAN Chung-ho, Karrie
(Chairperson) |
Hong Kong Christian Service |
Principal Coordinator, Ethnic Minority Services |
(Vice-chairperson) |
University of Hong Kong, The (Social Work & Social Administration Department) |
Fieldwork Supervisor |
Mr Stanley LING |
Asbury Methodist Social Service |
Unit Manager, Integrated Children and Youth Integrated Services Centre |
Ms HO Yuen-yi, Sandy |
Asian Outreach Hong Kong Limited |
Project Co-ordinator |
Ms TAM Chai-oi, Anita |
Boys' and Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong, The |
Assistant Supervisor, Jockey Club Shek Yam Children and Youth Integrated Services Centre |
Mr CHAN Lo-kin |
Caritas - Hong Kong |
Social Work Supervisor, Caritas Community Centre - Kowloon |
Mr Brian Wong |
Christian Action |
Head Humanitarian & Social Services (HK) Division |
Ms CHAN Man-yi, Mandy |
Harmony House |
Social Worker, Shelter for Women and Children |
Ms Chiu Lo-ha, Lilian |
Hong Kong Employment Development Service Limited |
Centre Manager |
Mr Ricky LEE |
Hong Kong Family Welfare Society |
Senior Manager, Kwai Chung (South) Integrated Family Service Centre |
Mr CHAN Ching-wa |
Hong Kong SKH Lady MacLehose Centre |
Senior Service Coordinator, Integrated Family and Community Service |
Mr CHAN Chi-yiu |
Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children |
Service Director |
Ms Holing Yip |
Hong Kong Unison |
Research Officer |
Ms CHENG Wai-ling |
Hong Kong Young Women Christian Association |
Unit-in-charge (Administration) |
Mrs Lucilla LEUNG |
International Social Service Hong Kong Branch |
Director of Programme |
Ms Sky SIU |
KELY Support Group Limited |
Acting Programme Manager |
Ms TANG Kit-ying, Kikko |
Methodist Centre |
Registered Social Worker |
Ms Joanne CHAN |
Mission to New Arrivals Limited |
Ministry Officer |
Ms LEE Wai-han, Tina |
Mongkok Kai-Fong Association Limited Chan Hing Social Service Centre |
Team Leader, Integrated Community Service Division |
Ms WONG Mei-fung, Connie |
Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council |
Service Supervisor |
Mr HO Chung-ho |
Salvation Army, The |
Assistant Service Supervisor, Yau Tsim Mong Integrated Services |
Ms Yuen How-sin |
Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong, The |
Health Education Service Co-ordinator |
Mr Wilson TAI |
Programme Coordinator |
Dr Sharmila GURUNG |
United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service |
Project Manager (South Asian Health Support Programme), Jockey Club Wo Lok Community Health Centre |
Mr Daniel MA |
Yan Oi Tong |
Acting Chief Supervisor, Community Centre |
Mr LAM Chun-ming |
Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service |
Division Head, Homantin Integrated Centre for Youth Development |
Mr TANG Siu-kei, Tommy |
Yuen Long Town Hall |
Supervisor, Support Service Centre for Ethnic Minorities |
Ms Lynn LAW
(Staff) |
The Hong Kong Council of Social Service |
Officer (Family and Community) |

Network on Integrated Family Service Centres (2012/2013)
Ms Angie LAI |
Caritas - Hong Kong |
Head of Family Service |
Ms PANG Shuk Ling, Sally |
Christian Family Service Centre |
Programme Director (Family & Community) |
Ms CHUI Yuen-fun, Angela |
Hong Kong Catholic Marriage Advisory Council, The |
Centre Supervisor |
Mrs NGAN Lai Mee-yuk |
Hong Kong Children & Youth Services |
Social Work Supervisor |
Ms Florence Kong |
Hong Kong Christian Service |
Principal Coordinator, Family Ties Integrated Family Service Centre |
Ms Cindy LEUNG
(Convenor) |
Hong Kong Family Welfare Society |
Head of Service |
Ms LEE Yee-man, Elmond |
Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council |
Service Supervisor |
Ms Iris LIU |
International Social Service Hong Kong Branch |
Director of Programme, Shamshuipo (South) Integrated Family Service Centre |
Mr Lee Tin Yan |
Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council, The |
District Service Director, Tung Chung Integrated Services Centre |
Ms WONG Pui-yin, Wendy |
St James' Settlement |
Senior Manager |
Ms WONG Fung-yee, Margaret |
Tung Wah Group of Hospitals |
Assistant Community Services Secretary (Youth & Family) |
Mr CHU Muk-wah, Daniel |
Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service |
Division Head (Family Service Division), Mongkok Integrated Family Service Centre |
Mr Moses MUI
(Staff) |
The Hong Kong Council of Social Service |
Chief Officer (Family and Community) |

Network on Substance Abuse Service (2012/2013)
Membership List
(Chairperson) |
Caritas - Hong Kong |
Supervisor,? Caritas Wong Yiu Nam Centre and Caritas Lok Heep Club |
Ms HON Siu-wan, Wendy
(Vice-chairperson) |
Hong Kong Christian Service |
Superintendent, Lodge of Rising Sun |
Ms NG Yuen-han |
Barnabas Charitable Service Association Ltd |
Acting Executive Director |
Mr FUNG Hing-kau |
Caritas - Hong Kong |
Social Work Supervisor, Caritas Hugs Centre |
Rev WONG Kwong-fai |
Christian New Being Fellowship Limited |
Vice-executive Director |
Rev CHENG Chun-wah, Sam |
Christian New Life Association Limited |
Director |
Mr WONG Po-man |
Community Drug Advisory Council |
Agency Head |
Mr SIU Yat-ping |
DACARS, Limited |
Superintendent |
Mr Patrick HO |
Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Kong |
Service Director (Enlighten Centre), Tai Wo Integrated Youth Service Centre, c/o |
Mr DAI Shek-nam, Samson |
Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission |
Centre in-charge, Ling Oi Centre |
Mr NGAI Man-fu |
Fullness Christian Vocational Training Centre |
Chairman |
Mr Kent LAM |
Hong Kong Children and Youth Services |
Social Work Supervisor, Sane Centre |
Mr HAR Man-kwong, Harris |
Hong Kong Christian Service |
Centre-in-charge, PS33 Tsim Sha Tsui, Centre |
Ms NG Suet-kam |
Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service, Lutheran Church - Hong Kong Synod |
Programme Co-ordinator, Head Office |
Ms LEE Wai-wah, Seiko |
Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council |
District Director |
Mr Chung TANG |
KELY Support Group Limited |
Executive Director |
Ms CHUNG Wai-yin, Vicky |
Life Education Activity Programme |
Deputy Director |
Ms NG Lai-shing Sharon |
Operation Dawn Limited |
Social Worker |
Mr LEUNG Ping-shing |
Pui Hong Self-Help Association |
Executive Secretary |
Ms CHO Mei-wah, May |
Society for the Aid and Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers, The |
Assistant Superintendent of Social Service |
Mr CHAN Chun-kai, Dennis |
Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong, The |
Regional Manager (Kwoloon West) |
Mr WONG Wai-chung |
St Stephen's Society |
Residential Supervisor |
Ms Brenda CHUNG |
Tung Wah Group of Hospitals |
Supervisor, CROSS Centre |
Mr LEE Fai-ping |
Wu Oi Christian Centre |
General Secretary |
Ms HO Suk-wah, Kathy |
Scout Association of Hong Kong, The Friends of Scouting |
Supervisor, The Friends of Scouting |
Mr LAM Chun-ming |
Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service |
Division Head, Homantin Integrated Centre for Youth Development |
Ms CHO Sai-ling |
Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, The |
Unit-in-charge |
Mr KO Po-lun |
Hong Kong Young Women's Christian Association |
Team Leader, Central, Western & Islands District Youth Outreaching Social Work Team |
Ms LEE Tak-wai |
Hong Kong Playground Association |
Team Leader, Yau Tsim Mong District Youth Outreaching Social Work Team |
Mr CHUK Wing-hung, Keswick |
Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Kong |
Center-In-Charge, Integrated Service Centre for Reconciliation |
Mr Lego WONG |
Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council |
Ms Billie TAM |
Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council |
Ms NG Wai See |
Hong Kong Christian Service |
Team Leader, Shamshuipo Central Integrated Children & Youth Service (Shamshuipo Central Happy Teens Club) with Services for Young Nigh Drifters |
Ms Lynn LAW
(Staff) |
The Hong Kong Council of Social Service |
Officer (Family and Community) |

Network on Domestic and Sexual Violence (2012/2013)
Ms LEUNG Yee-wah, Eva
(Convenor) |
Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centre |
Centre-in-charge, Jockey Club Lai Kok Centre |
Ms WONG Sau-yung, Linda
(Vice-convenor) |
Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women |
Executive Director |
Ms LAU Yin-ling |
Against Child Abuse |
Development and Training Manager |
Ms YEUNG Oi-shan, Edna |
Christian Family Service Centre |
Senior Service Manager,? Serene Court |
Ms Queenie TAO |
Harmony House |
Executive Director |
Ms CHOI Wai-yee, Susanne |
Hong Kong Christian Service |
Principal Coordinator |
Ms Shirley NG |
Hong Kong Family Welfare Society |
Senior Manager, Shun Lee Integrated Family Service Centre |
Ms YU Yim-fong, Fanny |
Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, The |
Supervisor |
Ms TANG Hoi-ming, Debbie |
Po Leung Kuk |
Service Coordinator (Family Crisis Support), Po Leung Kuk Integrated Family Services |
Ms KWOK Yuk-lin, Yonnie |
St James' Settlement |
Social Worker |
Ms LUI Pui-shan, Pandora |
Tung Wah Group of Hospitals |
Assitant Supervisor, TWGHs CEASE Crisis Centre |
Mr Christopher TANG
(Staff) |
The Hong Kong Council of Social Service |
Officer (Family and Community) |

Task Group on Cross-boundary Living Families (2012/2013)
Dr LAU Yuk-king
(Convenor) |
Chinese University of Hong Kong, The |
Professional Consultant |
Ms Jessica HO |
Against Child Abuse |
Director |
Ms Alice WONG |
Caritas - Hong Kong |
Social Work Supervisor, Caritas Integrated Family Service Centre - Shaukeiwan |
Mr TANG Kam-ming, Gary |
Christian Action |
Manager, Social Services Department, Sheung Shui Service Centre |
Mr KWOK Wai-keung |
Hong Kong Christian Service |
General Manager |
Ms Daphne HO |
Hong Kong Family Welfare Society |
Centre-in-charge, Hong Kong Eastern Centre - North Point Integrated Family Service Centre |
Ms CHEUNG Yuk-ching |
International Social Service Hong Kong Branch |
Director of Programme (Cross-boundary and Intercountry Casework Service) |
Mr Christopher TANG
(Staff) |
The Hong Kong Council of Social Service |
Officer (Family and Community) |

Prepartory Group for Divorced Families Group (2013)
Ms LAU Yin-ling |
Against Child Abuse Limited |
Manager, Development and Training |
Mrs Gabrielle LEE |
Caritas - Hong Kong |
Supervisor, Fanling IFSC |
Ms WONG Shuk-fong |
Christian Family Service Centre |
Senior Service Manager, Family Energizer (IFSC) |
Mrs CHENG CHU Suet-han, Vicky |
Hong Kong Catholic Marriage Advisory Council, The |
Marriage Counsellor and Accredited Family Mediation Supervisor |
Ms LAM How-yuk |
Hong Kong Christian Service |
Supervisor, Family Networks IFSC |
Ms LOK Wai-fong |
Hong Kong Family Welfare Society |
Senior Manager (Family Service), Kwai Chung (South) IFSC |
Ms SO Yim-fong, Tammy |
Hong Kong Young Women's Christian Association |
Supervisor, Women Affairs Department |
Mr WONG Chiu-man |
St James' Settlement |
Deputy Senior Manager, Wanchai IFSC |
Mr SUEN Wai-hung |
Tung Wah Group of Hospitals |
Team Leader, Love Love IFSC |
Mrs NG IP Ming-shan |
Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service |
Mongkok IFSC |
Mr Christopher TANG
(Staff) |
The Hong Kong Council of Social Service |
Officer (Family and Community) |
