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Beat Drugs Seminar 2008:Team Approach in the Community-based Management of Substance Abusers
co-organized by

The Hong Kong Medical Association

The Hong Kong Council of Social Service

5 January 2008


Substance Abuse in Hong Kong: What Doctors and Youth Workers Could Do
Ms. Candy LAU, Assistant Secretary (Narcotics Security Bureau)

Clinical Assessment

Dr. LEUNG Shung Pun, Consultant Psychiatrist, Castle Peak Hospital

Motivational Interview – Principles & Concepts
Dr. CHEUNG Kin Leung, Ben, Specialist in Psychiatry, Private Practice

Putting Theory in Practice: Collaboration between Medical ? Professionals and NGOs

Mr. Billy TANG (Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service, Lutheran Church - Hong Kong Synod)
Ms. Ivy CHAN (Hong Kong Christian Service), Ms. Sunshine CHAN (School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

This seminar is sponsored by BEAT DRUGS FUND

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