Report-back Session of Study Visit on Joint Parental Responsibility Model in Australia
September 27 , 2010
Please click the title in green for the powerpoint/reference.
Introduction to the Study Visit
Ms Agnes NG, Christian Family Service Centre
Delegation Report (3 presentations as follows)
Introduction to the Divorce Cases Proceeding and Recommendations from Law Reform Committee in HK
Ms Winsome LEUNG, Social Welfare Department
Introduction to the Law Reform 2006 in Australia and the Supportive Service for the Divorcees
Ms Doris LAU, The Hong Kong Catholic Marriage Advisory Council
Observations, Reflections and the Way Forward
Ms Cindy LEUNG, Hong Kong Family Welfare Society
Mr Christopher TANG, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
The Proposal for Reform to Parental Responsibility
Mr Dennis HO, Hong Kong Law Society
Family Support Service and the Joint Parental Responsibility Model (Chinese only)
Dr LAU Yuk-king, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Co-parenting and Divorced Families with Domestic Violence History
Dr Shirley HUNG, Hong Kong Baptist University
Insights from Australian Experience
Mr Khian BE, Chadstone Family Relationship Centre, Melbourne, Australia