The table below gives a chronological account of the Review and the Divisionˇ¦s actions in relation to the Review from March to July 2001.
Date |
Activities / Development |
Mar 1 |
Mar 13 |
Council organized a sharing session for agencies that operated services other than family services to discuss with the Consultants the future delivery models. Dr. Joe Leung attended the meeting and more than 15 NGO members participated.
Mar 14 |
In response to SWD's refusal to release the Interim Report, the Division sent a letter to SWD and proposed ways to facilitate the field's discussion on the future development and operation of family services. SWD replied on Apr 11 and agreed to prepare materials to facilitate the discussion in the 4th sharing session scheduled on April 20, 2001. |
Mar 20 |
Division organized a forum to discuss the future delivery of family services, for concerned member agencies.
Mar 31 |
Council submitted the 2nd position paper to Consultants and listed out the key issues of concerns regarding the future development: the core business of the family services; family needs and priority for serving; future delivery of family services ; need to examine also the provision of home help service to serve family cases and role of SWD and NGOs over the provision of family services
Apr 3 |
A sharing session was held with Mrs. Patricia Chu of SWD to discuss issues of concern in relation to the FLE service. There were 42 participants from 13 agencies
Apr 4 |
Steering Committee held her 5th meeting to examine Consultants' proposals regarding future directions and objectives and the future models for operating the family services.
Apr 20 |
Steering Committee organized the 4th Sharing Session. The future models of family services were examined. There were around 120 participants from the NGOs. The Consultants also issued paper on the proposed future models for discussion.
Apr 28 |
Council submitted to the Consultants the 3rd position paper on the future development of FLE.
May 4 |
Council wrote in to SWD and shared result of a brief survey on the size of "frequent users" in FLE service and SWD's response was received on May 21. The Council wrote in further views on June 21, 2001, reiterated the objective of the survey and NGOˇ¦s readiness for necessary change in the service.
May 17 |
Council organized a forum and reported to agencies (including agencies operating services other than family welfare services) the draft of the Consultants' final report especially on the recommendations proposed by the Consultants. Agenciesˇ¦ feedback on the issues of concern was collected.
May 21 |
Steering Committee held the 6th meeting to study the draft of the final report.
May 23 |
The NGO representatives to the Steering Committee, submitted comments on the draft of the final report.
June 6 |
The NGO representatives sent in comments again on the draft of the final report.
June 19 |
Steering Committee held the 7th meeting to study the 2nd draft of the final report and the implementation of the recommendations of the Review. The final report was then endorsed.
July 5 |
Steering Committee organized the 5th sharing session on the Review. The findings and recommendations of the Review were shared with the NGOs and other stakeholders.
July 9 |
SWD and the Consultants presented the findings and recommendations to the LegCo Panel on Welfare Services
July 26 |
SWD and the Consultants presented the findings and recommendations to the Social Welfare Advisory Committee.
End of July to mid Aug. |