Sept. 2000



Here below is a chronological account of the development of the Review and the Division¡¦s actions in relation to the Review:

Date Activities / Development
June 28, 2000

The Division re-nominated the NGO representative to the Assessment Panel on Review of FS. Ms. Angie Lai was the representative.The Division originally nominated Ms. Betty Woo as the NGO representative. It was later found that the training institute where Ms. Woo was the Council member had also submitted proposal for the consultancy study. The re-nomination was to avoid possible conflict of interest.

August 10, 2000

After consulting the agencies, the Division nominated the NGO representatives to the Steering Committee for the Consultancy Study on the Review of Family Services. The representatives are Ms. Betty Woo, Ms. Angie Lai and Ms. Mariana Chan.


August 29, 2000

The Steering Committee held its 1st meeting. The terms of reference, scope of work & membership were noted.The annex lists out the terms of reference & membership of the Steering Group.


August 30, 2000

The Division helped in organizing the Briefing Session on Consultancy Study on Review of Family Services. In the session, the Consultants introduced the methodology of the study. There were more than 100 participants from the NGOs.


In Aug. and Sept. 2000

Work sessions were held to discuss subjects related to the Review. Frontline and supervisory workers were involved in the sessions. More such work sessions would be held in future wherever necessary.


Within Sept. 2000

The Consultants started the familiarization visits to service units. Both SWD and NGO units were visited. A total of 3 NGO centres were visited. The following services were covered in the centres visited: family service, FLE, SSWP, family aide and FARC


Sept. 8, 2000

The mechanism of working with agencies on the Review was shared with agencies.


Sept. 12, 2000

After consulting the agencies, the Division nominated the following 4 members to the Working Group on Consultancy Study on the Review of Family ServicesMs. Grace Chan, Mr. Otto Lau, Ms. Pamela Chan and Ms. Susan Chan


Sept. 25, 2000

The Consultants held their 1st focus group meeting with 10 NGO members. With reference to the request of the consultants, the Management Committee (MC) decided that the NGO delegation would compose of: the chairperson and vice-chairperson of the Division, the Family Service and FLE Committee; the representative of the FARC service; the chair of the Committee on Day Care Service for Children, Residential Child Care Service Committee; a MC member with knowledge and experience in family/child care and other services like C&Y and a Council staff.




FS Review/PR3