June, 2000



Here below is a chronological account of the development of the Review and the Division’s actions in relation to the Review:

DateActivities / Development
Jan. – April, 2000The Division’s Support Group on Review of Family Services started the preparation work – identifying family needs, family strength, service gaps and suggestions for improvement etc.
Mar. 23, 2000The Division held a sharing session to collect from frontline workers their views on the forthcoming review of family servicesPaper 1 is the summary of discussion
May 26, 2000The SWD issued the Consultancy Brief to the training institutesA copy of the Brief was also given to the Council and the Division had circulated the document to the concerned member agencies
June 2, 2000The SWD held a briefing on the Review to the training institutes i.e. the potential bidders for the consultancy study. The Division representatives had also attended the session.
June 12, 2000   The Division had submitted and presented the paper on the Review in the meeting of the LegCo’s Panel on Welfare ServicesPaper 2 is the paper submitted to the Welfare Panel
June 16, 2000         The Division submitted to the Planning Forum on Family and Child Welfare Services a paper “Role of SWD and NGOs in Provision of Family Service”. The Planning Forum will take place on July 6, 2000 and it would be chaired by the AD (FCW) of SWD and participated by the representatives from the SWD, NGOs and Health and Welfare Bureau. The discussion will help prepare for more in-depth examination on the subject in the Review. Paper 3 is the paper submitted to the Planning Forum.
June 19, 2000In response to SWD’s invitation, the Management Committee nominated the Division Chairperson, Ms. Betty Woo to be the NGO representative to the Assessment Panel for the consultancy study. The Assessment Panel would assess the proposals from the tenders, identity areas for contract negotiation with the tendering organizations and recommend takers in priority.
June 20, 2000The Division held a briefing session on the Review of Family Services to agencies. Mrs. Patricia Chu, the SWD’s Deputy Director (Services) came and briefed agencies the background and content etc. of the Review. There were over 50 participants and consisted of frontline workers, supervisors, coordinators and agency heads.

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FS Review/PR2-0600