App. 2

Nov. 2000

The Hong Kong Council of Social Service

Family Service and Child Care Division

Key Issues raised by the Consultants

The followings are the key issues raised by the consultants (they have also put these on their web site and here below is the summary of major points):

  1. Family needs / target groups: the urgent family needs and the priority for receiving service
  2. Service priority: how to balance the functions between preventive and remedial work; how can they be integrated; how can families and individuals receive supports earlier etc.
  3. Effectiveness: how to make the services more accessible, more responsive and less stigmatized to those in need; how to encourage a more family-oriented family services, involving all family members, particularly men; to what extent the social work professional is equipped to work with the growing complexity of family problems; the essential support required for effective work etc.
  4. Service integration: effective coordination between family services and other family oriented programmes in other social welfare services; how to strengthen the role of research and concerted mass education / campaigns; whether there should be a family institute to specialize on family research and advocacy; what is an integrated family service model that promotes local flexibility while ensuring consistency across the field
  5. Interfacing and networking: how to strengthen the linkage with schools and medical settings; the roles of community groups, employers and volunteers etc. in family service programmes
  6. Administrative efficiency: how to enhance efficiency; how cutting down unnecessary administrative is possible
  7. Role of SWD and NGOs: how to divide the role between SWD and NGOs

