Forum on the Report of the Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of SWD’s Enhanced District Social Welfare Office Functions
Commentaries on the Recommendations and Follow up of the Report
Presented by:Noel Yeung
Kwun Tong Methodist Social Service
Agency’s Background
- District based
- Mulit service
- Small NGOs
- Mother Agency:
- 3 DCCs, 1 LCSYP& working groups
under KTDSWO
- 2 sub-committees under KTHAD:
- 2 sub committees under SWD Headquarters:
-Revamping of services: ICYSC(successfully
formed), NEC(not enough resources), IFSC(pilot project being turned down.
- Anti-Sars
- Non subvented service: new arrivals service, Family counseling, primary school social work service, Employment service, clinical psychology service,’
- Revamping Exercise
- Pilot and reformation: IFSC, FSRC, FSNT
- Did their very best
- Right direction but weak in planning
- Overload by tasks but no time & energy to consolidate
- Priority: urgency, easier to achieve
- Roles of DSWO: e, g, h
- Enhanced Functions of District Social Welfare Office: b, d, f
What is the future of DCC
Disrtict Welfare Council: overlap with DCSRC
DC members disagrees DCC overlap with DCSRC
Local welfare committees = Area Committees?
- Image enhancement: a, c
Suggestions on the Follow up:
- Resources: a, f, h
- Building up realistic community network and select strategic partners: d, e, h
Within reasonable timeframe and involve different strategic partners to establish platform to
Collect views and opinions (forming part of need assessment)
Share common vision, objectives and community strategy (increase the sense of ownership)
Monitor and evaluate (further consolidation, sense of achievement)
- Redefine of functions and roles of central and District: b, c, g