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Resource Corner on Long Term Care

Symposium on Long Term Care System for the Older Person

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In Hong Kong, the trend of ageing is accelerating when the baby boomers enter into their old age. With the increasing longevity, people are more likely to suffer from different degrees of frailty and thus require different level of Long-term care service. It is our challenge for our society to take care of these older persons, enable them to enjoy a healthy and happy life.

In the view of this, it is necessary to start to explore the development of a long-term care system which provides a range of integrated service for the frail older persons. Generally speaking, a comprehensive long-term care system would include an eligibility assessment system, seamless service delivery model, quality management and financing system.

The Resource Group on Long Term Care System has been established in 2002 to discuss the development of a Long Term Care System in Hong Kong. We have consolidated some information on the basic concept of Long Term Care System, the Long Term Care System in three overseas countries and the stimulation for Hong Kong.

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