Guidelines on Use of Facebook


Social Media becomes an effective communication tool that involves user-engagement and online interaction in the world of Web 2.0.  Facebook, in particular, connects half a billion people in the world.  To strengthen and extend Council’s network and influence on one hand, and grasp opinions from our stakeholders, frontline staff and the public on the other, components of the Council are recommended making good use of this free and powerful tool to further promote our corporate image, policy advocacy and recommendations on service development in a two-way interactive communications. 
To sum up, there are three major purposes of setting up Council’s Facebook:

  1. Promote Council Visibility;
  2. Information Giving – centralized; ongoing;
  3. Agenda Setting & Discussion – decentralized, ad hoc, subject-based. 


To promote Council’s overall image and major events, HKCSS Facebook account has been created and HKCSS Fan Page is built and maintained by Corporate Communications to handle general enquiries whereas enquiries and views on particular issues or projects would be referred to responsible components to follow up.  Since different core business and work team of the Council has its own work focus, Fan Page of its own can be built up to advocate specific or ad hoc issues; and maintain its own network, only subject to its respective Business Director’s approval and manageability of the team. 

Procedures on Opening Facebook

  1. Initiate ideas on respective Fan Page and seek your Business Director’s approval.
  2. Create Fan Page in Facebook with your Council’s email address, or ask Admin / ITRC to create one if necessary.
  3. Inform Corporate Communications to add your Fan Page in HKCSS Facebook so as to link up all Fan Pages created by the Council.
  4. Invite colleagues / network members to help promote your Fan Page.
  5. Maintain and post issues related to your work and express views in line with the Council.
  6. Monitor the content and development of your Fan Page.
  7. Report to your Business Director periodically.

drafted in March 2010

updated in September 2010